Upcoming Events
March 7-8. Salina, Kansas
Join hundreds of men, grades 7 through adult, gathering together at Webster Conference Center for worship, teaching, fellowship, and rest as we dive into the theme of evangelism and what the Bible teaches us about sharing the good news of the Gospel with others.
March 28-30. Salina, Kansas
A weekend for kids, 7-12 grade, of lead ministry church staff.
Imagine a weekend made just for students growing up in ministry households, run by adults who grew up in the same places and dedicated to honoring those lives while challenging them to even more. Imagine resources for parents to build upon the experiences of others, not having to pioneer new territory with every new decision. Imagine being able to launch and soar... that's Eagle Retreat.
April 11-12. Salina, Kansas
Shine Bright at Glow! Hundreds of girls, grades 2-6, will gather together for worship, teaching, fun and recreation as we dive into the theme of evangelism and what the Bible teaches us about sharing the good news of the Gospel with others.
April 26. Salina, Kansas
WMU Missions Celebration: What A Joy! I Thessalonians 2:8 NIV - “Because we loved you so much, we were delighted to share with you not only the gospel of God but our lives as well.
June 16-July 25. Super Summer
Super Summer is a week long experience for students and student leaders. Strategic worship, Bible Study, Recreation, and teaching, cultivate life changing conversations and deeper intimacy with Christ. Super summer cultivates students, and student leaders across Kansas and Nebraska to know Jesus, grow in Jesus and show others Jesus.